Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014


The story begins in the jungle of the Kingdom of Pajajaran , where woman named Dayang Sumbi has given birth to a son. The boy was handsome and his mother named him Sangkuriang.

Time passed and Sangkuriang became an adult. He was very agile and a good hunter. Si Tumang always accompanied Sangkuriang whenever he went hunting. He always brought the spoils of the hunt back to be cooked.

One day , Sangkuriang spotted a wild pig in thr forest. Actually , the boar was his grandmother , Celeng Wayungyang. Si Tumang realized this and he tried to prevent Sangkuriang from shooting the pig. Sangkuriang tripped over Si Tumang and the boar escaped. This made Sangkuriang very angry. Sangkuriang was furious with Si Tumang and he decided to kill Si Tumang instead of the pig. He had not caught any animals that day. He took a knife and cut out Si Tumang's heart and hurried home. He gave his mother the heart yo be cooked.

Dayang Sumbi was greatly shocked when she realized that Si Tumang's heart was not that of a deer. She took a big wooden spoon and went to Sangkuriang , she was very angry with him. "begone , rebellious son! You do not know how to return a kindness! Si tumang has looked after you simce childhood! How dare you kill jim and eat his heart!".

Dauang Sumbi struck Sangkuriang with the spoon again and again. The last blow tore his head , which begin yo bleed. Sangkuriang fled into the forest , cradling his bleedinh head. He climbed up and over the mountain. He was very scared. He had never seen his motjer so angry. Sangkuriang disappeared as if he had been swallowed by the earth. Nothing was heard of him.

From the on , Dayang Sumbi lived alonr in the forest. She continued her weaving and meditation. She became a powerful wise-woman , skilled at healing. She helped many villagers who lived around the forest. She treated the sick and gave them gifts of her weaving. Her specialty was a mixture of leaves and herbs that kept her young and beautiful.

One day , a young man came to see her. He asked for treatment. Every day , he came for treatment until his sickness was almost better. He began to fall in love with Dayang Sumbi. He approached her and said , "Dayang Sumbi , you are so beautiful , will you marry me?". Dayang Sumbi was uncomfortable with his touch on her shoulder , but she did not want to hurt his feelings. She slowly moved away and said , "Oh , I am too old for you , young man. I am old enough to be your mother". "But , that's impossible! You are still young and beautiful , why do you say that you are the same age as my mother?".

"What is your name? And who is your mother?". "I do not know. All I can remember is being frightened and running away as hard as I could until I passed out. When I came to , a robber was cating for the wound on my forehead. Later he adopted me as his son. He passed his supernatural powers onto me. But now my adopted father has passed away and I live by myself".

"Let me look at your head". Dayang Sumbi was surprised when she recognized the scar on his head as a blow made by her big wooden spoon. The young man did noy believe that he was her son. Dayang Sumbi explained that she looked young because of her herbal medicine. Later , she gave him two impossible conditions for marriage. First , she asked him to make a lake by damming the Citarum river. Second , she asked him to build a large boat for their house. And both of yhe tasks must be completed before cocksrow.

However , when Dayang Sumbi realized tjat Sangkuriang had almost completed his task , she searched for a way to stop him. She took one of her weavings , a large white cloth , and hung it from her weaving platfotm , all the while praying to the god. Then she asked the village girls to set fore to it. The dark sky became as bright as the dawn and the roosters began to crow.

Dayang Sumbi went up to Sangkuriang. "Sangkuriang , your time is up , you must give up now!". Sangkuriang was furious. Now he would not able to marry Dayang Sumbi! And ve had used many of his supernatural powers , including calling on supernatural beings for help. Sangkuriang was so angry that he kicked the almost-finished boat with all his might. The boat flew far into the air and landed upside down in yhe mountains.

In West Java , this legend is believed to be the origin of Tangkuban Perahu mountain. The story of Sangkuriang has been carved in relief on the walls of the crater of Tangkuban Perahu.

Do you know why Dayang Sumbi was so angry with her son?
Dayang Sumbi was really the offspring of Sungging Perbangkara (The King of Pajajaran) and Celeng Wayungyang (A Female boar) who drank his urine while he was hunting in the forest.

Later , Sungging Perbangkara found a baby in the foreat that was actually his own daughter. He gave her to Ibu Suri to look after. The pretty baby girl was named Dayang Sumbi. When Dayang Sumbi was a young maiden , she was already a skilled weaver. She weaved on a small platform that Sungging Perbangkara had given her.

One day , while she was weaving , she dropped her shuttle. None of her servants had accompanied her that day , and she was afraid to get down off the weaving platform by herself. Finally she said , "Whoever brings me back my shuttle , shall become my husband (if a man) or my sister (if a woman)".

By coincidence , there was a very smart dog , named Si Tumang , under the platforn. He understood Dayang Sumbi's words. He picked up the shuttle un his mount and climbed up onto thr platform. Dayang Sumbi was very grateful to Si Tumang , but she forgot her promise.

Dayang Sumbu became tired from weaving and feel a sleep. Si Tumang had been waiting for his chance and he stepped over Dayang Sumbi , who was sound a sleep. Later Dayang Sumbi found she was prrgnant , but she did not know who the father of her baby was. To protect the family name , the king banished Dayang Sumbi to the jungle. She was given a weaving platform there. Curiously enough , Si Tumang also accompanied her to the jungle.

Si Tumang was very loyal to Dayang Sumbi. He collected wood for her , and hunted for her. Later ehrn Sangkuriang became a boy , Si Tumang looked after him and protected him from wild animals. Dayang Sumbi was deeply touched , and she said ,"Tumang , you are very loyal and act like a husband. If you get hurt , I will make many sacrifices". That is the story. Now , you know why Dayang Sumbi was so angry with her son.


Dwi Elisa
Sangkuruang (folktales from west java) , PT. Grasindo , Jakarta - 2000

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